TRF Planned Giving: Promised Road Society

Creating a Legacy to Benefit the Horses

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the proper wording for remembering the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation (TRF) as a beneficiary in a will or trust.  We are deeply honored that you have considered providing for the horses and work of the TRF through your estate plan. Bequests are critically important to our organization as they provide a source of support that is not subject to fluctuations in the economy and they come from individuals whose loyalty to our work runs very deep.

The wording below is provided for educational and reference purposes only.  We encourage all planning to include guidance from qualified advisors. Many of our donors have found it helpful to begin the planning process with the support of an online tool. Such tools will help you create an initial document draft that you can bring to your trusted advisor for review and execution.  For your information, our Federal ID Number is 13-3132741.

  1. Language for a General Bequest

I hereby, give, devise and bequeath ____ percent of my estate or $DOLLARS_________ to the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization located at 112 Spring Street, Suite 109,  Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, Federal Tax ID #13-3132741, for the general care and keeping of retired Thoroughbred racehorses  or the general work of the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation [or, for the use of the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation at the _________ Farm (such as Wallkill Second Chances Farm, Front Royal Sanctuary Farm, Blackburn Second Chances Farm, etc.)]  

Contact any member of the TRF Team to learn more about all of the TRF farms and programs.

  1. Language for a Restricted Bequest

    NOTE: If you are considering a bequest, but would like to ensure that your bequest will be used only for a specific purpose, please let us know. We would be happy to work with you and your attorney to help you identify ways to give that will ensure your charitable objectives can be met. We will also work with you and your attorney to craft language to accomplish your objectives. 

    In cases where donors are making a restricted bequest, we recommend that your attorney include the following provision to give the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation the flexibility should it no longer be possible for our organization to use your gift as you originally intended:

    If, in the judgment of the Board of Directors of The Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation, it shall become impossible for The Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation to use this bequest to accomplish the specific purposes of this bequest, then The Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation may use the income and principal of this gift for such purpose or purposes as the Board determines is most closely related to the restricted purpose of my bequest.

Making the Greatest Impact

Many times, we aren’t told of our donors’ intentions and we lose the chance to say thank-you and to make certain their dreams and wishes are clearly communicated and implemented.  If you choose to include the TRF in your estate plan, we would be honored to know of your decision so that we can properly ensure that the intent of your gift is implemented according to your wishes.

Should you feel comfortable doing so, we would be grateful to learn of your inclusion of the TRF in your estate plans and, at your discretion, to include your name as a member of our Promised Road Planned Giving Society.  By adding your name to our Giving Society list, you will enable to the TRF  to inspire other caring individuals to consider similar plans.   To communicate your intent and/or permission to recognize your commitment to the horses, and share a brief statement as to why you have chosen to make the TRF a part of your estate plan, please complete our Promised Road Society form.

We Speak for the Horses 

Amidst the constant changes in our world, the economy and policies which impact financial and estate planning, there are many ways to give a gift to the horses through thoughtful planned giving strategies.   In addition to estate planning (wills and trusts), many donors have found their greatest capacity for impact through the employment of tax-deferred giving mechanisms.   A few such tools include:

As Director of Planned Giving, my role on our team is to offer information and resources which will enable each donor to the TRF horses to achieve their personal goals for impact.   Please know that I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you and answer any questions, or make recommendations of qualified resources and professionals who may be able to assist you in creating the legacy you envision – for the horses.

Thank you for your interest in the TRF’s Planned Giving program.

Kimberly Weir

Director of Donor Engagement